Sofia Ananda - mindfulness based yoga & relaxation

Sofia Ananda - mindfulness based yoga & relaxation


At home practices from me to you


Here you can find some classes and guided relaxations recorded for you to practice at home in your own time. Enjoy! :)

Chair sun salutations. 5 minutes.

Short and sweet class to get your body moving whenever you need a short break. 

Guided relaxation. 10 minutes.

Yoga nidra or a concious nap to do any time  you need  a bit of rest during the day or to help you go to sleep. 

Neck and shoulder release class. 30 minutes.

Unwind and release held tension after a longday sitting at a desk. 

Morning gentle yoga. 55 minutes.

Wake up without coffee! Gentle yet energising class to start the day.

Bed time restorative yoga. 56 minutes.

Sleep like a baby with this super gentle class designed to calm your nervous system.

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© Sofia Ananda 2024. Photos by Anna Rakocinska